
The mission of our faculty is to providing an educational, research and community service that keeps pace with the successive developments in the field of commercial sciences to achieve aspirations of the relevant parties through providing advanced educational programs for graduates compatible with the requirements of the labor market locally and nationally. This mission pays attention to scientific research activities to serves the surrounding community and contributes to solving its problems and promoting community participation and community development
- Continuous development and evaluation of the strategic plan to achieve our vision, mission and strategic objectives.
- Develop the organizational structure and the performance of the administrative departments to achieve accreditation standards.
- Improve and develop the infrastructure.
- Improve community participation and communication with the graduates.
- Develop the educational process to cope with the requirements of the labor market.
- Improve the quality of teaching and learning opportunities and supporting student activities.
- Qualify the faculty members and the supporting staff and raising the level of scientific research and research activities in pace with academic accreditation standards.
- Continuous institutional evaluation of educational effectiveness and management of quality systems in accordance with the accreditation standards.
- Strengthen and develop the skills of young graduates and assist them in setting up a group of small productive projects as an attempt to contribute to solving the unemployment problem.
- Develop leadership and governance systems to set policies compatible with credibility and ethics standards for the related parties in pace with our vision and mission.
Firstly, the faculty was established as the “Higher Commercial Institute in Port Said” affiliated to the Ministry of Higher Education in 1959/1960 (general division), then the institute was turned to “Higher Institute of Commerce and Education in Port Said” to graduate teachers of commercial subjects.
Then, the Faculty of Commerce was established in 1974 with the affiliate of the “Higher Institute of Commerce and Education in Port Said” to Helwan University named as “Faculty of Commercial and Administrative Sciences”. Then, its subsidiary was transferred in 1976 to Suez Canal University, and its name as the “Faculty of Commerce” in 1982, and its subordination continued to Canal University Suez until the issuance of the republican decision to turn the branch of Suez Canal University in Port Said into an independent university in 2010.